Monday, February 13, 2017

#flipclass flash blog: essential practices

#flipclass flash blog prompt: key instructional practice/pedagogical belief that is essential to flipped classroom

As a paramedic (and any clinician in an acute setting), it is essential to develop the ability to size-up a situation (even before arriving on the scene, using dispatch/911 intake information), quickly assess the situation, determine life-threats to ourselves and the patient(s), mitigate those threats, collect objective and subject data (History and Physicals or H&Ps), formulate a differential diagnosis, create and implement a treatment plan and then continuously reevaluate the efficacy of the plan.

It is for those reasons that one of my favorite instructional/learning practices is the use of Case Studies in our classroom. Time and time again my students tell me one of their favorite parts of our class was the case studies. How it works: I pick a scenario/medical issue and pre-program a student volunteer out in the hallway with the answers to some basic questions. We then enter the room and the "patient" acts in character. The job of the rest of the class is to ask questions and/or perform a hands-on assessment as appropriate in a logical manner to figure-out what the "patient's" issue is. The "patient" does not offer-up any information that is not directly asked for.

Total detective work. All higher-level thinking. And practical too. Win-win.

1 comment:

  1. Oooooooh, now you've got me thinking about equivalent "case study" experiences for my 8th grade US history classroom!
